Le deal à ne pas rater :
LEGO® Icons 10329 Les Plantes Miniatures, Collection Botanique
39.59 € 49.99 €
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Cole Quinto
Casey Maverick-Summer
Nihima Sihasappa
Tucker Marsh
8 participants

Re: tell them - i'll remember. ((autumn))

Dim 16 Oct 2022 - 18:24

Bienvenue à toi ! Smile
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Re: tell them - i'll remember. ((autumn))

Dim 16 Oct 2022 - 18:55

Bienvenue parmi nous Autumn, courage pour ta fiche o/
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Re: tell them - i'll remember. ((autumn))

Dim 16 Oct 2022 - 19:12

Bienvenue en enfer et bon courage avec ta fiche :smile6:

You will learn
It's not our precious virus that makes you, it's not who you kill or who you screw... It's the heartbreaks... The bigger... The better... and I know better than any of us.
Cole Quinto
Cole Quinto
The Nomads
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Re: tell them - i'll remember. ((autumn))

Dim 16 Oct 2022 - 20:01

Bienvenue par ici, et bon courage pour le reste de ta fiche ! :099:
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Re: tell them - i'll remember. ((autumn))

Dim 16 Oct 2022 - 20:12

Bienvenue ! kiss

- - you're such a bitch sometimes. Well.. i mean yeah. more like all the time.
Daisy L. Trevi-Donaldson
Daisy L. Trevi-Donaldson
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Re: tell them - i'll remember. ((autumn))

Lun 17 Oct 2022 - 9:18

Ouh Maisie Williams !!!

Bienvenue à toi !!

 I feel like in a dangerous game, ...

I knew I couldn't get out of it, but I got caught again
× by lizzou.

awards 2023:
Orion Min
Orion Min
Sanctuary Point
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Re: tell them - i'll remember. ((autumn))

Lun 17 Oct 2022 - 14:32

Et la bienvenue officiellement dans les parages, ça nous promet des nouvelles folies tout ça tell them - i'll remember. ((autumn)) - Page 2 2832553493

Fais pas trop de bêtises (sinon poppa pas content What a Face ) et bonne rédaction à toi :smile35:

you will beg
you'll say how sorry you are.
But i don't do regrets.
tell them - i'll remember. ((autumn)) - Page 2 ISJRZhd
Frances O'Connell
Frances O'Connell
The Hallows | Conseil
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Re: tell them - i'll remember. ((autumn))

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